Hello again. I am officially a Park Ranger now and I have the photo of my badge to prove it. :) So far things have been going well here. The few of us who are here early are just going through training and reveling in the 3 plus feet of snow we have gotten in two weeks and the occasional 50 degrees and sunshine (coincidently the sun makes that warm enough for T-shirt weather).
I just received one roommate who is on the fire crew and may receive another (hopefully not) who works on the trail crew. Apparently b/c of construction and a few other factors we get to possibly experiencing the joy of that lovable fish the sardine. The cabin I am in is great though, but I cannot wait until June when we get to use running water in our sinks. We all share a communal bath house in C-Camp that has our showers, bathrooms, and laundry. There is also a pretty nice rec hall that has computers, pool table, foosball, and a TV.
Essential my job will involve patrolling the east end of the park making sure that food and trash are stored properly, crowd/animal management when they encounter each other, wildlife sightings/info, and wildlife incidents.
I expect that this should be a pretty good summer. And look forward to showing some cool pics. I have also been exploring even through the snow. This is such a beautiful place and I am anxiously awaiting the start of the season. With some luck I might get to walk one of the kennel huskies. Below is a neat picture of melting snow that is curving off the roof.